Conference @HSLU, Lucerne within our Forschungsproject My first relevant intervention within this project (hopefully – I write this before it happens). Will modify the method of the Korsakow Show, that I developed together with Tobias Hülswitt 2009/2010 for academic research purposes. BTW made the poster, too. Best poster I ever made. ;-)

March, 17-18, 2023 – Luzern

{ Florian | 14.03.23 }

Have to fill in later. Hope I still remember…

{ Florian | 14.03.23 }

Together with Judith Aston, Stefano Odorico, Franziska Weidle, Kathleen M. Ryan and Ersan Ocak I had the pleasure to be on a panel where we presented a collaborative Korsakow experiment, that came into being as part of the research project Polyphonic Documentary.

Dec 17, 2021 in Frankfurt and life on the internet.

The recording of our session is available on Vimeo: Interactive Documentary: Polyphony, Evolving Literacies and Database Aesthetics

{ Florian | 17.12.21 }

Anna Wiehl invited me to give a talk in the lectures series “Digital documentary practices – Topical paradigm shifts in negotiating ‚the Real‘” at the University of Bayreuth. I am honored and excited and created an almost brand-new talk looking at people thinking and breathing YouTube. How does the way YouTube changes the thinking of people ‚who take YouTube serious‘ compare to how Korsakow changed my thinking? There are many parallels.

Anna Wiehl wrote on Facebook that „Florian Thalhofer is always good for a surprise“. I take it as a compliment.

The lecture was Wed, Dec 8th, 2021 and took place on Zoom. I re-recorded the Talk the next day.

Link to the lecture series:


{ Florian | 08.12.21 }

Jim Avignon and Florian Thalhofer developed an interactive music performance with projections, bells and whistles in 2003. Every now and then we perform this 2003 technology event. Nun ist es mal wieder soweit:

April 11, 2019 @ im Museum für Kommunikation, Frankfurt

{ Florian | 29.04.19 }

At Leeds Trinity University, as part of the Leeds Digital Festival 2019, Florian Thalhofer will be running a workshop on Korsakow filmmaking. The workshop will be composed of an introduction to the philosophy of Korsakow, a showcase of projects and a practical session on the software. The workshop is open to everyone.

Thu, 2 May 2019
13:00 – 16:00 BST

More information

{ Florian | 29.04.19 }

Codonaut – ein neuer Korsakow-Film über AI

AI, KI, Künstlichen Intelligenz ist ein Thema, das unsere Zukunft prägen wird. Wir haben uns aufgemacht, um mit Menschen zu sprechen, die direkt mit KI in Berührung sind. Sie vertreten jeweils ihre eigene Sichtweise auf das Thema – vom philosophischen Ansatz des Richard David Precht über den Geschäftsführer einer Roboterfirma, der mit künstlicher Intelligenz die Rentenlücke schließen will, bis zur Chief Compliance Officer der Telekom, die ihrem Unternehmen als eines der ersten überhaupt ethische Richtlinien für künstliche Intelligenz gegeben hat.

Vor einigen Monaten haben wir – der Medienkünstler Florian Thalhofer, der Filmemacher Felix Pauschinger, der Journalist Stefan Westphal und der Komponist Monty Ryan – dieses Non-Profit-Projekt begonnen. Unser Ziel ist es, eine digitale Darstellungsform für journalistische oder dokumentarische Inhalte zu entwickeln, die es den Nutzern ermöglicht, sich auf eigenem Weg komplexe Inhalte zu erschließen, zu verstehen, und damit zur Grundlage des eigenen Denkens zu machen. Food for the brain.

Herausgekommen ist das Konzept der Neural Network Narrative – eine Darstellungsform, die ein Thema in viele kleine Einzelteile (Neuronen) zerlegt, und diese wiederum wie ein neuronales Netzwerk kontextabhängig miteinander verbindet.


Wie es funktioniert, wie es sich anfühlt, und warum wir glauben, dass digitaler Journalismus neue Darstellungsformen wie die der Neural Network Narrative braucht, wollen wir bei der Release Party demonstrieren und diskutieren.

Codonaut Release – Party
5. April 2019
19.30 – 22.00 Uhr 
@Mindspace, Skalitzer Str. 104, 10997 Berlin

{ Florian | 26.03.19 }

On short notice I was invited to deliver the opening talk atDocmedia – Exploring docmedia production through the lens of web-based and virtual reality technology at Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. I took the chance to write a new talk: HOW TO CREATE REALITY is also published on my blog.


{ Florian | 24.06.18 }

I am guest via Skype @ Journalistischem Seminar @ Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, we discuss Forgotten Flags & Korsakow


{ Florian | 10.05.18 }

It is an experiment to find like-minded people for maybe collaborate on a project in summer. We use the platform Meetup to organize these events. This is our first meeting. We are 6 people.

We watch Forgotten Flags, discuss, drink beer. More meetings are planned.


{ Florian | 26.04.18 }

Keynote talk @ Thinking Through Complexity conference @ Universität in Bayreuth.


My first trip with the motorcycle this year.

{ Florian | 06.04.18 }

Screening of 13terStock @ Focke Museum, Bremen

Together with Kolja Mensing.


{ Florian | 09.02.18 }

Screening of Forgotten Flags @ Michael Knoll, Berlin


{ Florian | 09.02.18 }

Screening of Planet Galata @ Michael Knoll, Berlin


{ Florian | 08.12.17 }

Exactly 10 years ago I travelled on a BMW motorcycle through the heartland of the USA for 45 days. Everyday I did an interview with an American, to find out how they tick. I revisit the 1000stories (or at least parts of it). 

Darren #1000STORIES #USA


{ Florian | 01.10.17 }

Workshop at TRT International Documentary Awards

more about this trip

{ Florian | 15.05.17 }

Istanbul University

more about this trip

{ Florian | 10.05.17 }

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Institut für Kulturanthropologie / Europäische Ethnologie

{ Florian | 03.02.17 }

Lab22 conference


{ Florian | 19.11.16 }


COPY COPY CLUB in Mexico City

Goethe-Institut, Mexico City, Mexico

{ Florian | 15.11.16 }

– Die Art wie wir Geschichten Erzählen


(this podcast is in German)

Wie uns die Art, wie wir Geschichten erzählen blind macht, für die Welt. Ein Vortrag, den Florian Thalhofer am 11. Oktober 2016 anläßlich der #DKT16 in der Humboldt Universität in Berlin hielt. 

Music by Jim Avignon / Neoangin and Ilja Pollach, Cologne.

{ Florian | 11.10.16 }

Cinemateca National, Bogota

with Arnau Gifreu Castells

{ Florian | 21.09.16 }

Laboratorio Audiovisual Interactivo, LAB A.I.
Cali, Colombia

16.09.2016 – 17.09.2016

{ Florian | 16.09.16 }

01.07.2016 – 03.07.2016
Korsakow Institut, Berlin

{ Florian | 01.07.16 }

FH St. Pölten

{ Florian | 03.05.16 }


Workshop at Universität Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.

06.05.2016 -> More Info

{ Florian | 02.05.16 }

UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
30.03.2016 – 07.04.2016

{ Florian | 30.03.16 }

This is be the second time I have the honor to speak at i-Docs symposium in Bristol. The last time was a couple of years ago, shortly after I had finished Planet Galata, with is a (normal to me) Korsakow film but also a linear version, that was made to be screened on ARTE television. In Bristol I reported under shock how insane it is, to construct a linear documentary, and that the result of such attempt should not be named documentary but what it is: fairy tale.

This talk was very important for me. It started to take me on a thinking process, a journey that I have been on for the last couple of years. I will try to formulate as clear as I can, what I found so far on this trip: The way we tell stories.

Wed, March, 2nd, 15:45, Bristol

Talk + Discussion with JUDITH ASTON and MARIA GEMAYEL.

Short abstract of my talk.

{ Florian | 27.02.16 }

Life According To Korsakow
– Stories Make Life

This episode is in English.

Episode II is about story telling. How stories shape out lifes, what Florian found in Egypt and the influence of the Hollywood format.

Music by Jim Avignon / Neoangin and Ilja Pollach, Cologne.


{ Florian | 19.01.16 }

Austrian television ORF recently broadcasted a documentary which examines the future of television. For this film a team from ORF also visited the Korsakow Institute and interviewed Florian Thalhofer.

Here are some passages of the film with his statements:




Das Fernsehen ist tot! Kaum haben wir uns an soziale Netzwerke und internetfähige Smartphones gewöhnt, da ist es auch mit der Gemütlichkeit des Wohnzimmers vorbei. Das Leitmedium TV ist entthront, manche meinen sogar: dem Tod geweiht.
Tatsächlich rüstet das Fernsehen auf und wird zum Super-Medium: Hochvernetzt, sozial und interaktiv, gerne einmal in 3D, omnipräsent, multifunktional und maßgeschneidert. Die Dokumentation “Die Zukunft des TV” von Siegfried Steinlechner verortet das Fernsehen im jetzt und geht den möglichen Szenarien der Zukunft auf den Grund.

Siegfried Steinlechner

{ Elissavet | 09.12.15 }

Life According To Korsakow
– Bilder und Realitäten


Life According To Korsakow is the title of  series of podcasts that we plan to put out on a non-regular basis. It explores Korsakow-Thinking.

The first issue is titled “Life According To Korsakow – Bilder und Realitäten” (This podcast is in German).

{ Florian | 01.12.15 }

2015-11 small world

Small World is runs again on modern computers!

Small World was first released in 1997 and became a classic digital narrative. In many ways it is the mother (or father?) of Korsakow. It uses many of the principles that were used in Korsakow, later. 54 little stories on what it is like to grow up in a small town. It features Schwandorf, a place in provincial Bavaria, where I happened to be born. (I was actually not really born in Schwandorf, but that is a whole other story).

Free download for PC or MAC in German or English, text translated by Liza Stewart and Douglas Heingartner with the voice of my brother Christof.

{ Florian | 04.11.15 }

2015-10-23 Frankfurt

Four young directors from East-European countries where competing for prize-money to realize their documentary film projects. They pitched their projects in Frankfurt on Sept. 22, 2015. I was member of the jury. The award ceremony took place in the very red screening room of the Filmmuseum Frankfurt. The first price (8.000 €) went to Maria Stoianova from Kiew.

{ Florian | 24.10.15 }

2015-09-18 Cluj Jim
At CLUJOTRONIC an Electro Arts and Games Festival in Cluj, Romania I had the pleasure to do a interactive show with my good friend Jim and his band Neoangin.
Sep. 18, 2015


2015-09-19 Cluj Talk
One day later I gave a talk about Korsakow at the same venue. There were actually people in the audience. The picture was taken before the talk.
Sep. 19, 2015

{ Florian | 15.10.15 }


2015-09-01 Belarus

Aug 27 – 31 I was invited to Minsk to give a workshop for documentary filmmakers. This workshop was part of a series of four workshops that took place in Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The two best projects of each workshop are invited to Fankfurt to pitch their projects in October.

{ Florian | 03.09.15 }

2015-05-27 DocsBarcelona

Talk about Korsakow and its philosophy at DocsBarcelona 2015.


{ Florian | 30.05.15 }


It was my Fiat’s last journey and being an Italian car, I thought it would be neat for it to do its last trip to the country were it originated from. Well, the car did not make it, in Austria it gave up. It was towed back to Germany and the Meister at the Fiat Fachwerkstatt told us that it would not even be worth changing the oil, not talking about fixing whatever was broken. He was so kind to give us 50 € for it, which was pretty much the value of the gas in the car. No car no more.

So we arrived with a delay at Schloss Goldrain, the wonderful location for this years start of the EsoDoc sessions, where film professionals and journalists from all over Europe develop their documentary projects. My wife Elissavet accompanied me and she had a job there as well. More about that later. My job was to offer people new ways of looking at narration. This is my speciality, of course, and I enjoyed myself a lot talking about the philosophy of Korsakow. Will I get ever tired of it?


Apart from my lectures I also had the pleasure to work with participants on their projects is group-sessions, that were called think tanks. Well I don’t like tanks, but I love thinking! The participants were amazing, amazing, amazing, so I learned a lot! I also learned a lot from the other lecturers, among them Raimo Lång from Finland, I got to know him the first time and I will never forget the conversation we had late at night at the wine cellar. After an intense day we were dead tired but could not stop discussing narration.


Elissavet practiced some of her (what I sometimes call ‘witch craft’ and she calls – ) bodywork with participants of the workshop. It was a game between us, when I had to guess, with whom she had worked during the day. You could easily notice that, because of the people’s bright eyes and ideas. Sometimes I steal some of her tricks when I advice people on their projects. I can’t stop being surprised on the results.

This was a very intense week, with sessions starting in the morning and going till night. At the party at end of the week everybody was dancing wildly. 20 people from 18 different countries. My happiest moment was when an old song came up that I always listend to on my walkman, when I was 16 or 17.
The Pixies: Where is my mind?

May 3 – 8, 2015

{ Florian | 10.05.15 }

Checkpoint Netzdoku is a regular meeting of makers of webdocs. I have the pleasure to introduce Korsakow there.

April, 23 19h at Betahaus Berlin-Kreuzberg.

More info

{ Florian | 16.04.15 }

2015-04-15 Dessau

April 15, 2015 – 17:00h – Hochschule Anhalt, Dessau

30 minutes GELD.GR and 30 minutes Korsakow. How should we tell stories?

{ Florian | 08.04.15 }

{ Florian | 17.03.15 }